You may have no symptoms at all, or you may notice a localized ... Lice are considered parasites because they feed on human blood. Maybe lice aren't exactly terrifying, but they are annoying ...
However, it is significantly more resistant to treatment. Scientists have discovered a new species of human parasite that appears to be resistant to common antiparasitic treatments, such as ...
It's all connected: coronaviruses and other emerging infectious diseases, loss of biodiversity, and destruction of the environment by humans. Around the world, pathogens and parasites are ...
Far from being invited dinner guests, parasites typically turn up of their own accord and feed at the host's expense, consuming part or all of them. Parasites can live within their host (or hosts ...
The Kowalinski group at EMBL Grenoble discovered notable differences between the nuclear cap-binding complex in trypanosomes and humans, a critical component in cellular RNA metabolism. Trypanosomes ...
To ensure successful transmission and establish chronic infection, parasites must evade the host's immune system and delay the development of immunity. Maria Yazdanbakhsh and David Sacks discuss ...
As a graduate student in neuroscience at Tel Aviv University, study coauthor Shahar Bracha, now at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, learned all about the difficulty ... introduced the ...