Scientists have made an exciting discovery—a 69-million-year-old fossil found in Antarctica is the oldest known modern bird.
With its glaciers and sub-zero temperatures, Antarctica hardly seems like a place of refuge. However, the now icy continent ...
Near the end of the age of dinosaurs, a bird resembling today's loons and grebes dove for fish and other prey in the perilous ...
Scientists have discovered microplastics in the snow near some of Antarctica's deep field camps, revealing how far-reaching ...
A 69 million-year-old skull fossil discovered in Antarctica is an ancient relative of geese and ducks, making it the oldest ...
Paleontologists have been arguing whether modern birds developed before or after the infamous asteroid for decades. Now, a ...
Learn more about Vegavis iaai, an ancient ancestor of modern-day ducks, and one of the earliest modern birds ever discovered.