New York - Útočník David Pastrňák pomohl jednou asistencí hokejistům Bostonu k výhře 3:0 nad Minnesotou a prodloužil svou ...
Pod výhru Vancouveru nad Coloradem 3:0 se dvěma přihrávkami podepsal obránce Filip Hronek, jednu přidal centr Filip Chytil a ...
Mimořádně úspěšnou noc prožili čeští hokejisté v NHL. David Pastrňák, Filip Chytil a Martin Nečas zaznamenali dva kanadské ...
General manager Patrick Allvin announced Monday that Hronek (lower body) has rejoined the Canucks following his conditioning stint with AHL Abbotsford. Hronek hasn't suited up for Vancouver since ...
The Vancouver Canucks will soon have a bolstered blue line as defenseman Filip Hronek is set to return to the lineup, general manager Patrik Allvin announced Monday. Earlier this month ...
Top defenseman Filip Hronek joined the Canucks at their most recent practice, skating with the team for the first time since his upper-body injury. Following the workout, Canucks head coach Rick ...
Earlier on Monday morning, the Vancouver Canucks general manager Patrik Allvin announced that Filip Hronek had rejoined the club in Winnipeg ahead of Tuesday’s match against the Winnipeg Jets.