The Rangers fell to the Avalanche 5-4 with 15 seconds left in regulation, and the point that got away could be costly.
It wasn't called initially, but Dave Jackson, the former NHL referee (now an analyst for ESPN), has just confirmed that a penalty should definitely have been called on this sequence. We've received a ...
Slovenský hokejista Juraj Slafkovský strelil v noci na stredu svoj ôsmy gól v prebiehajúcej sezóne NHL, jeho Montreal však ...
Slovenský hokejový útočník Montrealu Juraj Slafkovský strelil pri nedávnej výhre nad New York Rangers (5:4 po predĺžení) svoj ...
In today’s links, the need to tighten up defensively, Slafkovský finding his game, Carrier impressed with team’s cohesion, Nikita Zadorov says Chicago should have drafted ...
New York 29. januára (TASR) - Slovenský hokejista Juraj Slafkovský strelil v noci na stredu svoj ôsmy gól v prebiehajúcej sezóne NHL, jeho Montreal však podľahol Winnipegu 1:4. Bol to jeho štvrtý pres ...