We’ve rounded up our favorite funny office pranks to pull this April Fools’ Day. Before trying them out, make sure your co-workers (and boss!) have a funny bone. Good news: If they love April ...
Various NGOs reported seeing the address added to their email lists. But they don’t think it’s Orwellian. They think it’s a ...
Not everyone has a sense of humor. Susan Solovic joins Lunch Break with tips on for keeping your office prank fun and safe. Photo: "The Office"/NBC.
Luckily, a little practical joke on your boss can go a long way in brightening up the office blues! Surely this will cause nothing more than a quick laugh between colleagues, right?
An entire office room in Glasgow Kelvin College was gift-wrapped as part of a hilarious Christmas prank. Liz Brecken, marketing and communications manager, was left shocked when she entered the office ...