It grows rapidly and vigorously from seed. Rye tends to be taller thank wheat. This plant is a bunch type grass with many upright tillers. The leaves, like most small grains are rolled in the whorl.
creeping red fescue is a more shade-tolerant alternative to ryegrass. However, there are some important disadvantages to consider before growing tall fescue grass or planting red fescue grass seed.
Hybrid between wheat and rye. It is adapted to a wide range of soils and requires only moderate fertility and moisture. It does not tolerate flooding and is only slightly drought resistant. It is a ...
To achieve earliest planting date of soybeans, plan to use Aroostook or Elbon cereal rye varieties. Other varieties are being evaluated--consider evaluating varieties on your farm in strip trials or ...
Underneath our feet, the very earth we stand upon is supported by quadrillions of tiny growths that wend their way amid the ...
More specifically, planting soybean over a cereal rye cover crop demonstrates an effective practice to both produce soybean and to suppress two problematic Amaranthus weed species: waterhemp and ...
Study shows that a higher seeding rate of cover crops often provides no benefit and adds costs in soybean fields.