The surface and root zone soil moisture estimates in the SMAP Level-4 soil moisture products are the outputs of a land surface model into which SMAP observations of brightness temperature have been ...
Subscribe here to receive email updates of the Soil Moisture Active Passive Data (SMAP) data announcements The answer is yes! There are several ways to programmatically access NSIDC data products and ...
Code for paper Gap Filling of High-Resolution Soil Moisture for SMAP/Sentinel-1: A Two-Layer Machine Learning-Based Framework . An open access version of the paper can be found here. Code for data ...
mission or the upcoming Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) mission. Currently, a neural network-based retrieval algorithm is being developed for SMAP data, which aims to fully exploit the information ...
This repository presents a forward emission model to simulate L-band microwave emission of wet soils below dry snowpack covered with an emerging moderately dense vegetation canopy. Main file: LiveDemo ...
When surface water and soil moisture is locked away as ice, this frozen landscape looks like a desert to a microwave sensor. Thawed landscapes look comparatively wet, so this large contrast is the ...
He was a part of the SMAP Instrument Operations Team and SMAP Radar L1 Subsystem Team. He is currently a part of the SMAP Radiometer L1 Team and SMAP Soil Moisture L2 Team.
Prior joining BHU, he was working at the Hydrological Sciences, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland, USA, on SMAP satellite soil moisture retrieval algorithm development, instrumentation and ...