The incredibly insightful animated series Kurzgesagt put together a colorful animation that discusses how the past, the ...
Pastism: The belief that both the past and present exist, while the future does not. Eternalism: The view that all points in time (past, present, and future) are equally real and exist simultaneously.
denoted as present-future. Contemplating all three time zones of past, present, and future is labeled as past-future. A research study entitled “Self-Continuity” by Constantine Sedikides ...
And the second, we can think of as "eternalism" in which the past, present, future are equally real. And under this view, now is to time as here is to space. In other words, just as I happen to be ...
Blaming others for the past can prevent people from taking personal responsibility for their behaviors or feelings. It can keep individuals trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts and feelings.