Tony's engineering genius has no limit, and his Iron Man suits are often defined by the resources he has available. Mysterium changed the game, giving Tony Stark a whole new material to work with ...
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is considering a recall, but Stark—engineering genius and part-time superhero—hasn’t slowed down. New projects ­include biomimetic ...
By Jim Kakalios U of M News Wire  As a comic book fan and physics professor, I have been looking forward to the big screen debut of “Iron Man.” This is due, in part, to the fact that ...
Tony Stark’s many models of Iron Man armor have always been the pinnacle of human engineering, especially when compared to other mech-suits offering humans superhuman abilities. However ...
First Steps finally debuted on Tuesday morning, giving Marvel fans their first look at the retro-futuristic, 1960s world of ...
A bit outside of the experimenter’s budget unless you’re Tony Stark. But thanks to the incredible ... those two classic hacker pastimes: reverse engineering and dumpster diving.
[Techmaster], like probably a lot of us, was hugely inspired by the engineering wonder that is the Iron Man suit. So, like any good maker, he decided to build his own. [Techmaster’s] social ...