Energy transition is a historic challenge” said Prime Minister Meloni in Abu Dhabi. Pope Francis dedicates today's general ...
Ukrainian president Zelensky on visit in Italy gave an exclusive interview to Editor-in -Chief of Rainews 24 Paolo Petrecca.
Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani, best known for his shock advertising campaigns has died at 82 in Cecina, Tuscany. Clashes in Rome and Bologna during the protests against what happened to young ...
Italy. In Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata and Molise many schools remained closed for the second day in a row due to snowfall. He killed his wife and stepdaughter on June 13th 2022. The Court of Assise ...
Italian journalist Cecilia Sala ,detained in Iran since December 19th has been released and left Teheran on a plane for Rome today. The Italian-Venezuelan citizen detained yesterday in Venezuela on ...
A silent sit-in for Cecilia Sala, the reporter in prison in Iran, was held today in Rome. The initiative by the Association of Journalists. “A way to express solidarity with our colleague, We demand ...
Israels Staatspräsident Isaac Herzog sagte: „Romi, Emily und Doron - so geliebt und vermisst. Eine ganze Nation freut sich ...
Der HC Pustertal gewinnt zuhause gegen Villach in der Overtime mit 2:1 - die Wölfe verringern den Abstand auf Ljubljana.
Dopo un mese in flessione, riparte forte la Lazio dell'ex Baroni che stravince 0-3 a Verona (terz'ultimo) e torna al quarto ...
Der HC Bozen verliert das Auswärtsspiel gegen die Black Wings Linz mit 1:2. Der Abstand zur Tabellenspitze bleibt bei 5 ...
"I detenuti vennero fatti uscire dalle celle ammanettati. Poi presi a bastonate e colpiti con calci e pugni". Il racconto di ...
Ha lasciato la sua casa volontariamente a bordo di una Duster nera. Ma da ieri non si hanno più notizie di un anziano ...