Noël Barrot has arrived in Congo's capital Kinshasa, an official at the presidency said on Thursday, as Rwanda-backed rebels consolidated control of Goma in the east of the African country."The Minister of Foreign Affairs of France will be received in the next few minutes by the president,
One woman who was carrying her child and a few belongings told the BBC's Great Lakes service: “Bombs from clashes kept falling near us, one fell on my neighbour’s house, killing her and her six children, that’s when I decided to flee."
The United States of America is pulling its citizens out of Democratic Republic of Congo after a riotous mob attacked its embassy in Kinshasa on Tuesday. The embassy, in an alert to US citizens in the country, also announced that it was closed for business.
Many blame the United States, France and other allies for allowing neighboring Rwanda to fuel a conflict in the country’s east.
Rioters stormed embassies and started fires in Democratic Republic of Congo's capital Kinshasa, drawing tear gas from police, in an eruption of protests over a Rwandan-backed rebel offensive in the east.
Rebels seized the airport of east Congo's largest city, Goma, on Tuesday, potentially cutting off the main route for aid to reach hundreds of thousands of displaced people, after capturing the city in an offensive that left dead bodies lying in the streets.
Dozens of protesters in Kinshasa attacked foreign embassies, demanding action against M23 rebels in the country's east. Police used teargas to disperse them.
Brussels Airlines cancelled its Wednesday flights to and from Kinshasa amid violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo capital, as anger spilled
Jean-Noel Barrot in Kinshasa to discuss security situation before flying to Kigali for talks with Rwandan officials - Anadolu Ajansı
Video showed part of the French embassy in Congo’s capital of Kinshasa on fire as protests erupted in anger over M23 rebel advances in the eastern city of Goma. Demonstrators attacked several embassies of countries they accused of complicity in Rwanda’s alleged support of the rebel group.
BAKU, Azerbaijan, January 29. Mass protests continue in the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, Trend reports. According to foreign sources, demonstrators have set fire to the French and Belgian embassies, while tires are burning in front of the US embassy.