A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the fate of the Syrian dictator after he fled to Moscow following his downfall.
Russia's Foreign Ministry blamed the U.S. for the decision, saying it will impact "the standard of living of European citizens."
Marking 25 years in office, Vladimir Putin says he has remade Russia as a sovereign power and will prevail in Ukraine, but economic and strategic setbacks complicate the picture.
Russian officials have warned of severe environmental damage as thousands of people came out to clean up tons of fuel oil that spilled out of two storm-stricken tankers more than two weeks ago in the Kerch Strait,
Russia, Ukraine and Putin
Ronald Reagan’s wish came true this week. The last gas pipeline to Europe from Russia shut down. The 40th president’s political heir, Donald Trump, stands to reap the benefit.
In the weeks since Bashar al-Assad was ousted as Syrian leader, Russia has launched multiple flights to an airbase in the Libyan desert. Moscow’s goal appears to be to find an alternative stopover for its growing military involvement in Africa – and a way to retain its military presence in the Mediterranean.
Russia's losses in its invasion of Ukraine are thought to have soared in recent months while its forces have slowly advanced.
Even while at war, Ukraine piped Russian gas to Europe. Moscow earned an estimated $5 billion in 2024, while Ukraine raked in up to $1 billion in fees.
For years, Germany has been working to elevate its status within the United Nations. However, Russia has now sent a clear signal that is not in Berlin's favor. Moscow has categorically rejected Germany's request for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
Determining the end date of the "Special Military Operation" and forming a new political party to address dissatisfaction and frustration among Russians are events Russia is expected to face in 2025,