What’s behind the media and pop culture’s longstanding fascination with Mormon violence? And how often do they get the story ...
McClure’s monthly magazine published a poem by Rudyard Kipling entitled, “The White Man’s Burden: The United States and The ...
Following World War II, Jewish survivors — mostly women, but some men — married members of the Allied forces. Speaking with ...
Gen. William T. Sherman‘s infamous “March to the Sea” is covered almost antiseptically in American history texts. Yet, ...
Having seen the reports of the lost lives of our soldiers from foreign conflicts, from feelings of worthlessness, to drugs, ...
The diffusion of technology means U.S. military superiority must come not just from the weapons it has but also from how it ...
American evangelical Christian Zionists are among Israel’s strongest supporters – and they wield considerable influence.
The global movement of people seeking to flee tyranny, poverty, and violence, or to search for freedom in a distant land, is ...
The history of the American Revolution is still segregated, Johnson said. If you search for photos of the American Revolution ...
This combination of political radicalism and biblical Christianity makes Stringfellow a strange but refreshing voice today, ...
When the 18th century church planter and evangelist George Liele was imprisoned in Jamaica, he spread the Gospel in prison, ...