GREEN BAY - A week after securing $20,000 from the county to support a nonprofit's efforts to fight human trafficking at the ...
Awaken, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing awareness and education around sex trafficking and providing housing and ...
Howard Fire Rescue installed a new Safe Haven Baby Box, a newborn infant safety device that allows parents in distress who ...
On Thursday, Brown County District 23 Supervisor Dixon Wolfe called on the Green Bay Packers to help fund local efforts to educate the public and provide resources ...
BROWN COUNTY (WLUK) -- Wequiock Falls becomes a winter beauty this time of year. The falls freeze over, creating an icy ...
Editor's note: The Brown County Board approved the funding. Kasia Klaus, executive director of Awaken Wisconsin, said the county funding will send a message to vulnerable populations that "they ...
Rounds of applause filled the Brown County Courthouse rotunda as three state lawmakers from Brown County were sworn in during ...
Winnebago County, home to Oshkosh, recorded 172 sales for the month, a 35.4% spike compared to December 2023, the highest ...
As Trump promises a tough crackdown on illegal immigration, concerns grow locally about possible enforcements.
As we face brutally cold weather, the question of how many people are homeless is less of a hypothetical and more of a question of hypothermia.
GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) - January is the deadliest month for falls in Wisconsin, according to a new study. Wisconsin has the second-highest number of fall-related deaths in the country during the first ...
It’s the largest amount of federal funding in the history of Housing and Urban Development’s Continuum of Care program ...