Man siger, at sprog er kultur – og det er i dén grad sandt i Grønland. Med Hans Egede og den dansk-norske kolonisering af Grønland kom det danske sprog til Grønland, men i lang tid var holdningen i ...
Taking over for Price, who will be staying with the PlayStation studio through March, are a trio of Insomniac vets who will serve as co-heads upon his retirement: Ryan Schneider, Chad Dezern and ...
Sharelle Rosado couldn’t help but laugh about a rumor that her relationship with ex-fiancé Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson was a PR stunt. Rosado confirmed their split last October, one year into ...
Foto: Mogens Flindt Nyt år, nye muligheder. Popsangeren Simone Egeriis, der er kendt fra diverse sangprogrammer som 'Scenen er din' og Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, har startet 2025 ud med at oprette ...
Her lød det: »Kære præsident Trump, lyt omhyggeligt: Grønland har været dansk i 800 år. Det er en integreret del af vores land. Det er ikke til salg,« sagde Anders Vistisen: »Lad mig sige det i en ...
Executive Producer Frank Valentini had promised that Michael would get quite the exit story and that's just what happened. As the year began, Michael was visiting Sonny (Maurice Benard) at his ...
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — WLFI's longtime meteorologist Chad Evans will soon leave the Lafayette airwaves as part of companywide layoffs by the local station's owner, Allen Media Group. Several ...
Mandag aften dansk tid afholdt Donald Trump sin anden indsættelsestale. Altinget bringer herunder en oversat version af præsidentens ord til befolkningen. Donald J. Trump blev for anden gang indsat ...
Away We Go: Carly (Laura Wright) gave Michael (Chad Duell) the choice about where to undergo treatment. Outside of Michael’s hospital room, Willow explained to Sonny and Jason that she had ...
Chad and Heather Leonard welcomed the Notre Dame Fighting Irish quarterback on Sept. 13, 2002, several years after they met in high school and later married. The longtime couple are also parents ...
Med på billedet er det dansk-israelske gidsel, Itzik Elgarat, der blev taget med til Gaza under Hamas' terrorangreb den 7. oktober 2023. Frigivelsen af gidslerne ventes ifølge den israelske regerings ...