Curing dyslexia isn't an option, say experts. But with today's resources, there's a lot of reason for optimism.
Understanding that dyslexic thinking skills are vital for today and future workplaces means we have to shift how we view intelligence and what we measure and value.” Progress is being made.
Here’s a look at some celebrities with dyslexia that addressed their learning disorder head on and shown the world it can’t stop them. The actress and host of “The View” wasn’t diagnosed ...
“It brings back into focus the idea that vision has something to do with dyslexia,” which, he adds, “tends to be ignored nowadays.” Dyslexia, characterized by a difficulty with learning to read, ...
A dyslexic teenager has passed her driving test after she got "left" and "right" tattoos on her hands. Alexis Morris, 18, has ...
“It’s about knowing yourself and knowing your dyslexia as part of you, but it doesn't need to be thought of as a disadvantage,” says Professor Snowling, “We have to take a very positive ...
Even in near-freezing weather, 12-year-old Sienna Imperato provided a friendly warmth at her family's Stanwood farm, where she shared each animal's name and story with pride.
CONCOURSE VILLAGE, The Bronx (WABC) -- A new documentary is out that spotlights a group of mothers in their journey to help their children with dyslexia get a proper education. The film ...