The role of electrons and their negative charge in electric current is well established. Electrons also exhibit other ...
The role of electrons and their negative charge in electric current is well established. Electrons also exhibit other intrinsic properties that are ...
A recent study by an international group of researchers, published in the journal Nature, found the kagome ferromagnet Fe3Sn2 exhibits an electronic state that couples unusually strongly to an applied ...
Van der Waals (Cr,Bi) 2 Te 3, synthesized by non-equilibrium molecular beam epitaxy, is characterized by magnetotransport measurements and shown to be a semimetallic Weyl ferromagnet, with Fermi ...
Superconductors can carry electricity without losing energy, a superpower that makes them invaluable for a range of ...
In a year that will see many AI achievements and battles, let’s not forget that not all AI research makes the front pages.