Apple last updated the Apple TV in October 2022, introducing a new, smaller design, USB-C on the Siri remote, and a bump from the A12 chip to the A15 chip. The product is now over two years old, and ...
Google needs to catch up. Google TV Streamer may improve over time. The Google TV Streamer is Google's latest foray into the ...
"News briefs" will appear on the Google TV For You page Will recommend related videos of "top news stories" Only in the US, ...
Google announced a flurry of new smart home products in late summer last year, including a new Google Nest Thermostat and new ...
If you own a PS4 or PS5, you can take advantage of a special offer to get 3 free months of Apple TV+ to watch Severance ...
Apple TV+ has been around over five years, and new reporting outlines how much revenue its biggest hit shows have been ...
With the second episode of Severance season two now available, Apple's CEO Tim Cook is promoting it in a different way than ...
Like many other streaming services, the YouTube app on Apple TV now prompts you to pick an account every time you launch it.