Historian and writer Ibram X. Kendi, who gained prominence for his studies of anti-racism and founded a center focused on the subject at Boston University, plans to join the faculty of Howard ...
Ibram X. Kendi, the scholar of antiracism who rose to prominence during the social justice movement that swept the nation after the 2020 murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, is leaving Boston ...
Author and historian Ibram X. Kendi is leaving Boston University and the Center for Antiracist Research to join the faculty of Howard University in Washington D.C. this summer. BU’s Center for ...
Ibram X. Kendi, the founding director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, is leaving Boston for a new position at Howard University. The center will close when its charter ...
5 kv lajthi, kikirikë e arra, 1,8 kv kafe etj” Niveli i lartë i korrupsionit është një ndër problematikat kryesore të qeverisjes në këto 34 vite të tranzicionit shqiptar, por rrënjët e këtij fenomeni ...
Një nevojë e vogel më çoi drejt zyres në Kuvendin e Shqiperisë, i bindur se pushimet e gjata që Babo zemergjëri ai që dergjet per njerzinë i dha Republikes do t’i kishin bërë def te gjithë punonjësit!