Scott Munro, head of the Detectives Endowment Association, said many cops believe if they talk about their issues with the ...
A dozen years ago, a federal judge ruled the NYPD’s practice of stopping, questioning and frisking New Yorkers by the ...
As a top 10 finalist for teacher of the year in Pinellas County, Brandy Ashby's motto is "Dream big; there are no limits!" ...
Michael Corpin in 2000. He had just retired from the New York State Polce and was named the chief of public safety at SUNY ...
Democratic Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has said he will veto legislation being drafted by Republican lawmakers in the state that would mandate county law enforcement officers assist federal ...
The Police Department has already blown through its overtime budget halfway through the fiscal year as departures rise and ...
New York Police Department supervisors failed to rein in unlawful stops, frisks and searches by anti-crime units in 2023, a ...
The grant will modernize public safety answering points and enhance call-taking and dispatching abilities.
The report, prepared by Mylan L. Denerstein, the special monitor helping oversee compliance with a 2013 federal court ruling ...
A group of retired police chiefs is urging New York state elected officials to back a bill in Congress to preserve the AM radio in new cars as a simple means to get the word out to the public in ...
For New York State Troopers, as well as city and town law enforcement, what does that motto cover in terms of which conduct is right and which is wrong for officers? For example, is it legal for New ...
District Nine Elementary School held school reunion, Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024, at the Dulatown Presbyterian Church, the school’s former location. Over 100 former students from all over Lenoir and other ...