Ljubljana, 20. januarja - Petra Sovdat v komentarju Nevidno delo, vidna nesposobnost piše o predvolilnem letu. Avtorica izpostavlja stranko Levica, ki po njenem mnenju svojim volivcem obljuba le predv ...
V Gibanju Svoboda pa odstop generalnega direktorja policije Senada Jušića vidijo kot izraz odgovornosti po tistem, ko je postalo jasno, da bo "gonja proti ministru za notranje zadeve začela vplivati ...
Gre za predlog novele, ki so ga pripravili v iniciativi Glas ljudstva. Predsednica odbora Tamara Kozlovič (Svoboda) je zaradi umika predloga novele odpovedala za danes sklicano sejo odbora. Iz ...
Petra's realtor husband Zam Palmer previously admitted they were 'praying for a miracle' as the fire tore across upscale Pacific Palisades, a stone's throw from their palatial £30million home in ...
Just 24 hours before the fire engulfed Los Angeles, Sam and Petra returned home from a family trip in Dubai. In 2023, Sam and Petra splashed out on the sprawling property, which boasts seven ...
Velika koalicija je po mojem razumevanju koalicija dveh strank nasprotnega političnega pola (desnega in levega). Torej ...
Supermodel Petra Nemcova, who survived the 2004 tsunami by clinging to a palm tree, reflects on the tragedy 20 years later. The disaster claimed 230,000 lives, including her boyfriend. Nemcova ...
But while in town, he also filmed an episode of his television show “Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives” at SLO’s own Petra Mediterranean Pizza and Grill. Now, the local eatery will be featured on ...
Thinking of visiting Petra? From tours, ticket prices and hotels, to hiking trails and what to wear, this guide will help you plan your trip. My recent visit to Petra is one that will stay with me for ...