Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen 3 processor back in March 2024. It’s built on the advanced TSMC 4nm process and packs features that rival premium SoCs from one or two years ago.
Most foldables on the market typically use the same flagship SoC as their candy bar counterparts; however, this year, it looks like Qualcomm is making a special chip for foldables. Oh, it seems this ...
It seems like Qualcomm is staying with a reliable partner for its next chip, the Snapdragon 8 Elite 2, as rumors suggested it would be manufactured using TSMC’s more advanced 3nm N3P process.
Qualcomm and Samsung also integrated several display and imaging improvements into the upgraded chip. The Snapdragon 8 Elite is a huge leap forward for flagship Android phones, delivering notable ...
Inside, Samsung's new family of Galaxy S25 smartphones feature Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite processors, with 12GB of RAM. Now... onto the flagship Galaxy S25 Ultra which features second-generation ...
Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Elite chip will power most of the flagship Android smartphones and foldables this year. The foldable version of the chip features a 7-core CPU cluster that reduces power ...
For gamers, the Asus ROG Phone 9 is another beast, which runs Qualcomm's latest SoC. All these phones are shaping up to be game-changers with the Snapdragon 8 Elite powering them.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC is a mid-range 5G mobile platform, that brings on-device AI-based advancements. The chip is claimed to deliver over 50 percent faster GPU performance, and 60 ...
Qualcomm introduced its Snapdragon 8 Elite mobile chipset in October last year, and the octa-core processor currently powers flagship devices from brands like Realme and OnePlus. Recently, the company ...
Leaker Ice Universe reiterated that claim in November, after Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 8 Elite. We can certainly understand why Samsung would turn to Qualcomm's new chip. We had a chance ...
Wear OS 6 will likely transform Android watches with Gemini tricks and new fitness coaching. Here's what we know (and hope to ...
The smaller Surface Pro is described as a competitor for Apple’s 11-inch iPad Pro. However, Windows Central reports it’s unclear if it is positioned to replace the old Surface Go series, which ...