El Diablo jadi pembalap pertama dari pabrikan garpu tala yang mendekati rekor lap di Tes Sepang. Pun demikian, ia enggan bersikap jemawa. Merindukan raungan mesin MotoGP? Jika ya, maka ...
Orangtua Hamilton dan fisioterapisnya, Angela Cullen, hadir pada tes tersebut. Leclerc juga mendapat kesempatan untuk menghilangkan karat dengan sejumlah uji coba menggunakan mobil 2023 di trek ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Survei Litbang Kompas menunjukkan bahwa 80,9 persen rakyat puas terhadap pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto di 100 hari pertamanya. Capaian Prabowo ini mengalahkan kinerja Presiden ke ...
The Marine Corps plans to double its buy of the carrier-borne F-35C variant and scale back its buy of the short-takeoff-vertical-landing F-35B, according to a new aviation plan from the service.
Bandung, VIVA – Pelatih Persib Bandung, Bojan Hodak, memberikan apresiasi terhadap dukungan Bobotoh ketika timnya menjamu PSM Makassar di Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api (GBLA), Bandung, pekan lalu.
Current local time in Rothera (Antarctica/Rothera timezone). Get information about the Antarctica/Rothera time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) ...
U.S. military Service members deserve to be equipped with combat-credible systems that meet the demands of today’s evolving threats and tomorrow’s unpredictable challenges. In a rapidly ...
The system achieved IOC after completing Initial Operational Test and Evaluation with Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 9. The F/A-18 and EA-18G Program Office (PMA-265) partnered with military, ...
An experimental blood test for pancreatic cancer is being evaluated by a commercial laboratory, an important milestone toward making the test available for patients. An experimental blood test for ...