RICHMOND, Va. (AP) Sebastian Thomas scored 23 points and hit the game-winning jump shot with 22 seconds remaining in the overtime as Rhode Island knocked off Richmond 67-64 on Saturday night.
KINGSTON, R.I. (AP) Sebastian Thomas scored 23 points and secured the victory with a jump shot with one second remaining as Rhode Island knocked off George Mason 62-59 on Saturday. Thomas hit a ...
But was it a smart play to pursue the challenge against Rhode Island’s longest-serving lawmaker, and will that hurt the Senate’s ability to get things done in the new session? This week on Political ...
Rhode Island lawmakers return to the capital on Tuesday for a new session. Credit: File photo/The Public’s Radio Rhode Island lawmakers return to the capital on Tuesday for a new session. A massive ...
Cybercriminals have begun publishing stolen personal data of Rhode Island citizens, the US state has confirmed. In an update on December 30, Rhode Island governor Dan McKee revealed the state had been ...
arts and culture executive producer at Rhode Island PBS. December 12, 2024 • Hundreds of years ago, wallpaper looked very different than the simple repeating patterns we often see today.
Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. Travelers has the cheapest rates for most people in Rhode Island, but Amica is the best choice for people who value great customer service. While ...