Step away from the thermostat! If you make a certain wintertime change, it could end up costing you lots of money. states, that it can turn on when the inside temperature of the home goes below three degrees of the set temperature on the thermostat. How will I know if auxiliary heat is being used?
Florida is gearing up for colder than average temperatures. Cold snaps can significantly impact energy bills as heating uses two to three times more energy than cooling. states, that it can turn on when the inside temperature of the home goes below three degrees of the set temperature on the thermostat. How will I know if auxiliary heat is being used?
Colder weather can often mean a higher energy bill, so we spoke with industry professionals for insight on what's best for your wallet and your heating system.
Tennesseans don't deal with the same winters like people up North or in South Dakota do, so you may never have needed to turn on your emergency heat before, but if your house is getting a bit chilly ...