Paris Has Fallen premiered on Hulu on December 6, 2024. The Hulu series revolves around the plot where an MI6 officer Zara (Ritu Arya) and a protection officer team Vincent (Tewfik Jallab) up after a ...
Gerard Butler has revealed that he was given a fresh and unique pitch for Den of Thieves 3, with Africa as a likely location.
I love big car chases almost as much as I love heist films, and so I got very excited when I read the critical response to ...
Gerard Butler and O'Shea Jackson Jr. are back with Den of Thieves 2: Pantera, which finds the duo in all kinds of high-stakes ...
Pantera," writer/director Christian Gudegast was once again paired with star Gerard Butler, who Gudegast says brought ...
The latter also introduced the DCU's Circe, confirming magic is in play. To that point, there is one actor who would be ...