In an interim order, Sebi noted that LS Industries Ltd (LSIL), a BSE-listed entity, and its promoter devised a scheme in ...
Sebi bars LS Industries, NRI shareholder, and entities from securities market for inflating stock price, impounds illegal ...
SEBI's interim order revealed JPP first bought 10.28 crore shares of LS Industries for a mere $1. Despite the company's ...
SEBI uncovered “absurdities” in a textile company's stock moved over 1,000% in two months. The company's director sold crores of shares for $1.
SEBI barred LS Industries and related entities from trading due to alleged stock price manipulation. Dubai-based investor JPP ...
SEBI has banned LS Industries (LSIL) from accessing the capital market due to stock price manipulation and zero revenue, ...
India’s market regulator is cracking down on thinly traded stocks with inflated valuations, as probes into LS Industries and ...
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued an interim order against LS Industries Ltd (LSIL) and five ...
The regulator has acted urgently to prevent a pump and dump operation and has flagged a possible FEMA violation ...