Most funds advertise their fees as something called an expense ratio. It shows what percentage of a fund's total dollars go ...
CEO Salim Ramji’s decision to implement the biggest fee cuts in Malvern-based Vanguard Group’s history is a win for both ...
Vanguard Group Inc. slashed its average asset-weighted expense ratio to just 0.07% across its $10 trillion under management a ...
Vanguard’s new fee cuts are a win for retail investors — helping to boost long-term returns. Here's what a low expense ratio ...
Vanguard just announced its largest fee cut in the asset manager's history, which is great news for investors. Here's what ...
The fee cuts are the largest annual expense ratio reduction in the firm’s 50-year history – and the first major announcement from newly appointed CEO Salim Ramji.
The asset manager said the largest price reduction in its history could save investors more than $350 million this year alone ...
The asset manager says the move at 87 funds will save investors $350 million this year.
The president said the fund could be used to help keep TikTok operating. The asset manager says the move at 87 funds will save investors $350 million this year.
The Vanguard Group on Monday slashed fees across nearly 90 mutual funds and ETFs, which the investment management giant called the largest expense ratio reductions in its almost 50-year history.
Vanguard has lowered the expense ratio across 87 of its funds, bringing its average asset-weighted fee down to just 0.07% ...
Monday’s changes have brought down the average weighted fee on its actively managed bond funds to 0.1%, while its index-following debt funds now charge 0.05%, according to the statement. That compares ...