La Corte Suprema de Sudáfrica decretó que la baja calidad de aire viola el derecho constitucional de los ciudadanos a un ambiente sano para su salud y su bienestar.
On Wednesday, the lower house of the Australian parliament voted to pass legislation to ban social media for children under ...
Gerald Gass, German Hospital Association, warned of the repercussions of the return of Syrian doctors “who played a ...
Apart from lowering electricity costs, ocean-based renewables like offshore wind farms and ocean thermal energy conversion ...
Poco a poco, a los miembros de las comunidades lingüísticas ya no les faltan iniciativas para promover las lenguas locales.
Global Voices is an international, multilingual community of writers, translators, academics, and digital rights activists.
En esta edición, homenajeamos tres términos: dos expresiones de África Central y una palabra checa derivada del francés jouet ...
He was intercepted in the center of Caracas by hooded men who claimed to be officials,” according to witnesses quoted in a ...
Una crisis diplomática alimentada por la tensión política entre Níger y Benín está dificultando las actividades económicas de la población de ambos países.
"Myanmar’s military regime struggled harder to maintain a charade of normalcy this year as its territorial control shrank in the face of relentless resistance advances." ...
Jailed for rejecting Assad’s orders during Hama’s massacre, Al-Tatari's release after 43 years marks the resilience of human ...
Eight Global Voices authors from around the world spoke on how their lives have been affected by flooding, showing that the differences in our experiences might be mainly their latitude and longitude.