“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” This is the famous conclusion of Ode on Grecian Urn by John Keats. These words depict the antithesis of the ...
Even though different groups of people have been prejudicial toward Jews throughout history, there isn’t a ton of pressure to boycott the products from these countries. Because if we really counted up ...
When I think of Greece, I recall the great people in my life who were connected to it by their Greek origins. My mother-in-law, a first-generation American fluent in Ladino, brings us into that world ...
Determining the value of life is a question of moral relativism on the left. Whether life is sanctified or not depends on whose life it is.
"It is important now more than ever that we stand with our Jewish neighbors, and we reaffirm our commitment to fight antisemitism." ...
How can it be that Hashem made a mistake – that He originally wanted to create the world with din but then changed His mind?
We must recognize Israel's achievements under difficult circumstances, even as we strive in a positive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with its Arab populations, but we must not p ...
Chabad-Lubavitch emissary Rabbi Zushe Cunin, his preschool director and their staff were forced to evacuate more than 100 small children on Tuesday from the Chabad Jewish Community Center of Pacific ...
The claim that Israelis are indifferent to the suffering in Gaza is false; its purpose is to demonize Jews while ignoring Palestinian support for genocide.
I will turn to the Greeks of this season and tell our readers an adorable thing one of my grandsons said 14 years ago, after his grandfather died a few days before Chanukah.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe points out that in Hebrew, the name for ancient Greece, Yavan, has another meaning: quicksand – Water mixes with sand, dirt and clay. You step in it and you can't get out. The ...
The mitzvah to honor parents solidifies the structure of the family. By honoring those who have sacrificed to build and nurture the family, we reinforce the values that underpin family life.