Vier van My Zone se programme is benoem as My Zone Program van die Jaar by die tweede uitgawe van die NTV-toekennings wat in Februarie plaasvind.Die kookprogram What’s ...
Botswana’s president Duma Boko, who swept to power in October elections, said his government has reached a diamond extraction and sales agreement with De Beers that will ...
Mitsubishi Motors has officially launched the latest generation of its Triton bakkie, promising improved performance, enhanced technology, and a refined driving experience.
Groot verwarring het in landbougeledere geheers totdat die ministerie van landbou, water en grondhervorming gister eers amptelik die verbod op die invoer van ...
Plaaslik gebaseerde lede van die nasionale rugby-oefengroep is reeds hard besig om hul krag, kondisionering en fiksheidsvlakke sowel as vaardighede te verbeter met die fokus ...
Die minister van gesondheid en maatskaplike dienste, dr. Kalumbi Shangula (76), tree op 20 Maart af ná dekades se diens in die land se gesondheidsektor.Terwyl hy gereed maak om ...
Drikus "The Machine" Coetzee will depart from Windhoek to Morocco this coming Monday for his next super-human challenge.His destination will be an icy Marrakesh where the ...
As Namibia embraces the digital age, the proliferation of electronic devices has become a double-edged sword. While technology offers unprecedented opportunities for ...
The My Zone Media Roadshow was officially launched today with the handover of a vehicle by Yolande Zwart, Sales Executive at Pupkewitz Automark. This partnership marks ...
Energy continues to be a key driver for global economic growth. Energy sparked the first industrial revolution in the 1760s’ and continued to play a fundamental role in ...
The Chairman's Cup, which saw the Committee taking on the Members, was contested at Walvis Bay Golf Club last weekend. Thirty-nine players, split into 32 members and ...
Die werkloosheidsyfer staan tans op 36,9%, ten spyte van die feit dat die aantal Namibiërs wat die arbeidsmag uitmaak tot 867 247 gedaal het, vergeleke met 2018 se syfer van 1 ...