The core of the subject is a major programming task to be solved in small groups.Through the assignment, you will get practical training in programming and gain experience with how object-oriented ...
Network and communications security is an important part of information security: a large portion of IT-related attacks are performed either using network connections or are directed at network ...
Seminardeltakelse er frivillig, men hvis du velger å delta på seminar forventes det at du møter. For ditt faglige utbytte er det sterk anbefalt at du deltar på seminar. Hvis du ikke kan delta på ...
This course addresses general public international law, including the sources of international law (treaties, customary international law and general principles of law), rights and obligations of ...
This course gives a thorough introduction to operating systems and covers topics like interrupt management, threads and processes, process coordination and synchronization, management of physical and ...
Emnet er et fordypningsemne i design forstått som kulturelt fenomen. Ved å betrakte designede objekter som kulturelle produkter og sosiale aktører fokuseres det i emnet på de mangfoldige betydninger ...
In this course you will learn about the design of advanced digital systems. This includes programmable logic circuits, a hardware design language and system-on-chip design (processor, memory and logic ...
Du leverer i emnets digitale læringsplattform. Verktøyet blir også brukt til å dele ut undervisningsressurser og eventuelt andre læringsaktiviteter knyttet til emnet. Du plikter selv å følge med i ...
Helseretten omfatter lovbestemte rettigheter og plikter i forbindelse med medisinsk behandling og annen helsehjelp. Eks. hvilke rettigheter den enkelte har i forbindelse med somatisk eller psykisk ...
This course gives an introduction to the theory and applications of piecewise polynomials represented by B-splines. In the first part the focus is on basic properties and algorithms of B-splines in ...
The course studies legal rules on data protection — i.e., a set of norms that specifically govern the processing of data relating to persons (personal data) in order to protect, at least partly, the ...
This course will provide students in pharmacy a solid foundation in organic chemistry where relevant pharmaceutical topics will be applied to illustrate organic chemistry. The course will also give ...