Scientists have made an exciting discovery—a 69-million-year-old fossil found in Antarctica is the oldest known modern bird.
A team of marine biologists in Tenerife, Canary Islands, have caught on video a rare black devil fish for the first time in ...
Scientists have discovered microplastics in the snow near some of Antarctica's deep field camps, revealing how far-reaching ...
The sheer scale of Earth's plastic problem has been laid bare in a new study, led by researchers from the British Antarctic ...
A 69 million-year-old skull fossil discovered in Antarctica is an ancient relative of geese and ducks, making it the oldest ...
A new study in Nature describing a fossil of a nearly complete and intact bird skull from Antarctica is shedding light on the ...
Paleontologists have been arguing whether modern birds developed before or after the infamous asteroid for decades. Now, a ...
A new study by Ohio University found an important fossil of the oldest known modern bird, which lived in Antarctica when ...
A newly analysed fossil skull settles a palaeontological debate over Vegavis iaai, confirming it as a relative of ducks and ...
A recently analyzed near-complete fossil skull found in Antarctica has revealed Vegavis iaai to be the oldest known modern ...
A near-perfect fossilized skull discovered in Antarctica reveals the bridge between prehistoric and modern birds, a new study ...
Some paleontologists think that fossils recovered from Antarctica are evidence of birds similar to modern geese and ducks ...