Credit cards are a great way to save on your expenses and become a smart spender. In today’s times, credit cards are no longer just an add on to your luxury but have become a necessity.
Inspired by One Piece, Arcane Seas is a Roblox game that’s all about becoming the best pirate around. In this game, you’ll explore the sea, fight challenging bosses, find hidden items ...
In the 2024 edition, there are four rogue subclasses available: assassin, arcane trickster, soulknife, and thief. Most of these are self-explanatory, but the arcane trickster and soulknife might ...
Bite Marks, the League of Legends Season One Cinematic, is breaking records thanks to Arcane. Bite Marks, the cinematic to celebrate the Noxus-themed League of Legends season, broke records as it ...
The Arcana season introduces the Wheel of Destiny, symbolizing infinite cycles of fate. Tarot cards scattered throughout the Netherrealm stages present dynamic challenges such as: The new season ...
Once Mel hits an enemy with enough Overwhelm damage, they will die instantly by consuming the stacks. If you have seen Arcane, the Rebuttal ability comes straight out of the final episode of the ...
Reduvia Blood Blade is a unique spell that can't be replaced, and is a great way to shore up a Arcane user's weaknesses against ranged players. Just pop one of these off to keep enemies on their ...
Since she made her first appearance in the League of Legends animated series Arcane in November 2021, fans have been speculating what Mel abilities could be if she were to become a champion in the ...
Yes, that’s right, Arcane‘s Mel Medarda is the new League of Legends champion, and she joins the fray just in time for LoL’s Noxian-themed first season. Coming into 2025, League of Legends ...
The trailer opens with Mel stepping foot onto the shores of her homeland, Noxus, after the battle with her mother that closed out Arcane. We see multiple other League of Legends champions in the ...