En Italie, près de la mer Tyrrhénienne, se trouve un splendide site antique. La légende raconte que c’est ici qu’une puissante magicienne ensorcela Ulysse.
Entré en littérature en 1984 avec un pied-de-biche intitulé « Vies minuscules », Pierre Michon publie « J'écris l'Iliade », ...
ENTRETIEN - Qu’est-ce qui nous fait courir vers ces morceaux de terre essaimés sur les eaux ? Réponses du socioanthropologue.
There is also the beguiling witch Circe, the monstrous one-eyed cyclops ... This will be Nolan's first film about Greek mythology, breaking away from his regular sci-fi and war films.
Si les films de super-héros jouissent de succès aussi importants qu’indéniables, les comics dont ils sont tirés restent ...
Une histoire de larmes et de sang où les dieux sont belliqueux et jaloux ; où les hommes s’entretuent ; où les femmes vivent ...
and the witch-goddess Circe. Will Nolan's take feature gods and monsters? We assume the filmmaker will want to helm a faithful adaptation, but there's always a chance he will decide to do a more ...
Over the centuries, poets have often used ancient Greece as their "muse," resulting in some of the most magnificent poems ever written.
From Wicked to Winnie the Witch, stories that feature magical people who often have a broomstick in hand have been entertaining us for many years. BBC Bitesize challenges you to take this quiz all ...
At some point during their grade school years, lots of kids go through a big mythology phase -- they can't get enough of stories about gods, goddesses, and other mythological creatures. And that love ...