The Mosquito Creek Sportsmen’s Association will host the 34th Annual Coyote Hunt from Feb. 21-23. This organized predator ...
Bird feeders are a big attraction for coyotes. They’ll go after the mice and rodents that eat the seed. If you spot one and ...
With winter finally in high gear and many hunting seasons winding down, land managers looking to improve their habitat need seek no farther than programs for hog removal and coyote control.
Coyotes are typically not aggressive toward people, and officials ask anyone who sees one acting hostile to call 911.
A coyote was in too deep, so to speak, when it got stuck in a water retention pond in Monterey County and had to be rescued.
Video footage of a suspected coyote sprinting across the east side of Lancaster city has residents speculating about whether ...
A bill that would deregulate killing and mandate trapping throughout the state stems from concerns over struggling mule deer, ...
This article is reprinted with permission from The Edge, based in Berea, Kentucky. There used to be a pair. The smaller coyote hasn’t come around for ...
ELKO — The Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners’ contest committee, in a meeting at Great Basin College in Elko on Tuesday, voted to recommend to the full commission limits to coyote-calling ...
Far too many hunters think February is just for attending sport shows and dreaming about next year when, in fact, there are ...
Far too many hunters think February is just for attending sport shows and dreaming about next year, when in fact, there are ...
As a farm boy and conservationist, I’m here to tell you the reality: If we want to save the sandhill crane, it’s time to organize a responsible hunt.