Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday that over 1,200 electric buses provided by the Central government are running in the national capital as part of the wider efforts to reduce carbon ...
A Massachusetts school community watches with sadness as millions in funding is lost to another battery-electric vehicle fire.
Amid a raging debate over the AAP govt's neglect of public transport in the national Capital, PM Narendra Modi on Thursday said over 1,200 .
As the company experiences financial troubles, the Maine Department of Education hopes to get relief for school districts.
Cleaner, quieter, and more comfortable, electrified buses have been rolling out in cities across the world to replace their diesel-belching predecessors.
Driving home from a birthday party that her children were invited to in November, Katherine Wilson struck a deer near Whippoorwill Farm in West Tisbury. “I’ve lived on the Island my whole life, and I ...
This historic $35 million grant from the EPA brings us closer to achieving our goal of a fully electric school bus fleet by 2030 while delivering immediate health and environmental benefits to our ...
Experts say the vehicles are easier to maintain, and better for the environment and student health, officials say.
Bhubaneswar: Four persons were injured and multiple vehicles damaged when two Mo Buses operated by Capital Region Urban Transport (CRUT) collided at t.
Parth Jindal, Managing Director of JSW Cement and JSW Paints, hopes that geopolitical tensions in the Middle East will ease ...
The Croatian Ministry of Economy has announced a bid for grants totalling 50 million euros for the construction of charging ...
The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation plans to add 286 electric buses this year, aiming for a pollution-free public ...