According to many traditions, Ethiopia was the land of the powerful Prester John's kingdom, as well as the home of the ten lost tribes. Persistent rumor had it that these African Israelite ...
The Ethiopia native migrated to America with little more than a dream to further his education and a determination to find “a better quality of life.” “I came here to the United States ...
The Bodi people live in Ethiopia’s South Omo Valley - Bodi spiritual leader Baradhi here with his daughter Choma. Bodi girls Choma (L) and her sister wearing red ochre for a dance. Bodi boy from ...
Surprisingly last week the Ethiopian censor with His Majesty at Dessye passed a dispatch reading, “If Il Duce wished to instill fear into the hearts of these ignorant natives he has certainly ...
In her native Ethiopia, she served as a High Court judge. As human rights adviser to the Ethiopian Constitution Commission which drafted the current Ethiopian constitution, she ensured the protection ...