Roses, carnations, pompons, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums and gypsophila arrive on hundreds of flights, mostly from Colombia and ...
agriculture specialists found 37 of these insects inside packages of potato chips and chocolate during a physical examination of a shipment arriving from Japan via air cargo. “They may look ...
CBP agents assigned to the cargo area of ​​the Pharr International Bridge intervened Tuesday with a truck that was preparing ...
Agriculture specialists assigned to the airport discovered 37 live beetles hidden inside packages of Japanese snacks, chocolate, and potato chips, the CBP said. The contraband was discovered during a ...
Port Director Fadia Pastilong referred to the finding as an “excellent discovery by our CBP agriculture specialists.” ...
Business has been blooming at Miami International Airport in the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day, with the cargo gateway ...
A Cuban man agreed to transport over 20 migrants for $5000 — a decision that landed him and two others in federal custody after they were caught in Coral Gables with migrants packed into a U-Haul van, ...
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