Photos confirm that two fuel tanks were damaged. The Russian Telegram channel Astra previously reported that one tank contained 60 tons of oil and the other 60 tons of diesel fuel, noting that the ...
Relocating U.S. Space Command from Colorado to Alabama would be a costly mistake that undermines U.S. security.
The Canadian ambassador says his country and the Philippines are in the final stages of negotiating a key defense pact that ...
President Donald Trump's nominee as Air Force Secretary, currently a top official at the national spy satellite agency, ...
President Donald Trump's nominee as Air Force Secretary, currently a top official at the national spy satellite agency, ...
China is building a massive military complex in the western part of Beijing that US officials say could serve as a wartime ...
Welcome to Edition 7.30 of the Rocket Report! The US government relies on SpaceX for a lot of missions. These include ...
FAB has signed a multi-year contract with Satellogic and Telespazio Brasil to obtain satellite imagery with low latency.
Timelapse images show China's rapid construction of a military complex that U.S. officials say is on track to be at least 10 ...
The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) has announced that final preparations are underway for the launch of MBZ-SAT, the UAE’s most advanced Earth observation satellite. The satellite is ...
A new report claims that roughly 300 U.S. military troops have been deployed to Naval Station Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
Britain's government insisted Thursday that it must hand back the Chagos Islands to Mauritius to secure continued access to ...