This study presents solid evidence for distinct neurotransmitter release modalities between two subclasses of dopaminergic neurons in the olfactory bulb, highlighting an important finding that ...
Forget the traditional tubular shape—researchers are investigating a pearl-on-a-string formation for axons, unlocking new ...
It consists primarily of myelinated axons—long, thread-like projections of nerve cells (neurons) coated in myelin, a fatty substance that insulates and speeds up electrical signals. These axonal ...
These three neuron types are separated into two categories based on whether or not they are protected by myelination: Myelinated axons are present in sensory neurons and motor neurons however ...
DBS affects multiple neural elements, including myelinated axons and, to a lesser degree, cell bodies. The evidence for DBS-elicited neurotransmitter release is conflicting, and it would appear ...
Conclusions: Our study provides evidence that human intracranial arteries are innervated by myelinated fibers. Schwann cells may participate in the initiation and progression of intracranial ...
Myelinated neurons transmit electrical signals more quickly than the unmyelinated nerves in the body. Myelinated axons are present in sensory neurons and motor neurons, but not all sensory and motor ...
The fluorescence intensity of cholera toxin-B-positive axons was quantified using ImageJ/Fiji software by calculating the mean gray value in different spinal cord sections. Were analyzed up to six ...
Anatomy, biophysical properties and molecular organisation of the nodal region The myelinated fibres are organised in distinct ... the axolemma and at internodes (1–2 mm in length) the axons are ...
Analysis of retinal ganglion cell complex alsoshowed preserved thickness correlating with increased survival of retinal ganglion cells and their axons. Optic nerve cell ... 0 = normal optic nerve, ...
S100 is a Schwann cell marker, NF-200 is a marker for large myelinated A-fiber neurons ... To explore the influence of GDF11 on the growth of neuronal axons, DRG cells were isolated and cultured with ...