We need to stay focused on Vermont and remain disciplined as we distinguish between what is fact and what is rhetoric before ...
Inspired by President Donald Trump's call to round up immigrants who are in the country illegally, Republican governors would send their National Guard troops into Democratic-led states without those ...
The Vermont Futures Project -- working with the Vermont Chamber of Commerce -- has released an economic action plan designed to address the state’s workforce and housing challenges.
Inspired by President Donald Trump’s call to round up immigrants who are in the country illegally, Republican governors would ...
Overdoses are the leading killer of homeless Vermonters, 'Seven Days' and Vermont Public found. But a shift from motel rooms ...
Shares of private prison companies have grown since the election. Those facilities could expand under Trump, despite claims of abuse and mistreatment.
The Vermont Futures Project -- working with the Vermont Chamber of Commerce -- has released an economic action plan designed ...
The governor was expected to declare his emergency items for the legislative session in his speech, starting at 5 p.m. CDT.
Dunbar, WV faces mounting legal challenged as multiple excessive force lawsuits target its police department. Officers ...
A majority of t City Council now want Police Chief Todd Pinion to be terminated but, with the mayor opposing termination and no supermajority, his job remains safe. At Monday's council meeting, ...
Abilene Mayor Hurt hosted the first State of the City Address since he was elected mayor last year.There were multiple topics ...
The Odessa Police Department would like to remind motorists that it's illegal to cross the double yellow line and drive into the left turn lane (oncoming traffic) before turning left. Several crashes ...