Seven years after their baby daughter was killed during a brutal midnight operation by police in Kenya at a time of ...
Five officers involved in Greene's death were initially charged. Two received misdemeanor convictions. None received jail ...
Sandusky residents took to city hall, Monday to protest what they’re calling police brutality tied to a December arrest.
Not only in the July uprising, historically police forces have often resorted to armed violence as a means of suppressing dissent, with little regard for the scale of the human cost. A special committ ...
A digital archive highlights the use of art in protest against police brutality, racism and the ongoing impact of colonization.
When Philadelphia’s police union was negotiating its last contract in 2021, calls to “abolish” and “defund” the police still echoed across the city.
Oklahoma City Councilmembers approved the $875,000 settlement Tuesday with Cameo Holland, Stavian Rodriguez' mother.