Despite being one of North America’s tiniest owls, this compact, stocky owl has a reputation as being one of the most bloodthirsty, fearlessly hunting and carrying off prey up to three times its own ...
This stunning red and black goose migrates vast distances from Arctic Russia to wintering grounds in Eastern Europe, where flocks of up to 50,000 birds create spectacular displays against winter skies ...
A master of impalement, this fierce songbird skewers its prey on thorns and barbed wire across Europe and Asia. The Red-backed Shrike is a striking small bird with a distinctive appearance. Males have ...
This striking songbird with its rich blue plumage can be found perched on top of rocky outcrops from Europe to Asia, living up to its name as a true rock-dweller. The Blue Rock-thrush is a small ...
A vibrant and sociable songbird with a distinctive scarlet eyebrow, this small finch brightens gardens and grasslands across eastern Australia. The Red-browed Finch is a small, sleek bird with ...
This charismatic climber, often heard before it's seen, brings a flash of green to woodlands and parklands across Europe. The European Green Woodpecker is a striking bird with predominantly green ...
Back from the brink of local extinction, the Marsh Harrier is a localised but increasingly common bird of prey in low-lying wetlands of the United Kingdom. The Western Marsh-harrier is a large raptor ...
A powerful fish-hunter with a wingspan rivalling small aircraft, this majestic raptor patrols coastlines and lakes across the Northern Hemisphere. The White-tailed Eagle is a massive raptor with a ...
With its iridescent green-black plumage and rosy belly, this unusual woodpecker often catches insects mid-air like a flycatcher. Lewis's Woodpecker stands out with its unique coloration. The bird has ...
A charismatic crow with a striking red bill and feet, this acrobatic flyer thrives on coastal cliffs and mountainsides worldwide. The Red-billed Chough is a striking corvid with glossy black plumage ...
This small wader darts along shorelines with swift precision, its distinctive golden eye ring setting it apart from its plover cousins. The Little Ringed Plover is a small wader with a distinctive ...
This lively songster fills wetlands with its explosive call, often heard but rarely seen due to its secretive nature. The Cetti's Warbler is a small, compact bird with a rounded head and short, broad ...