This is a satirical black comedy film written and directed by Ruben Östlund. The story follows a few days on a lavish cruise and what seems like a glamorous time for the guests initially, turns into a ...
"A half-hearted spirit has no power. Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Average people enter into their endeavors headlong and without care.” 127 Hours is a film that depicts the real-life ...
"Voice of Sathyanathan" wraps up the list at seventh place, grossing ₹21.90 crores with its distinct storytelling in the Malayalam film scene. "2018: Everyone is a Hero" tops the charts, grossing ₹175 ...
Directed by S.S. Rajamouli, Prabhas played the dual roles of Amarendra Baahubali and Mahendra Baahubali, earning widespread praise for his performance and contributing to the film's immense success.
This Tamil remake of Amar Akhbar Anthony was released only a year after the film released in 1977. Rajnikanth also made a Telugu remake of the film called Ram Rahim Robert. He plays Simon in the Tamil ...
A radioactive king of kaiju stomped his way into 38 films (including Japanese and American versions) beginning from 1954– from battling fellow monsters to saving Tokyo, Godzilla proves that size ...
Joy depicts a woman's journey to success through innovation and perseverance, illustrating the law of attraction as she attracts opportunities and overcomes obstacles by maintaining a positive mindset ...
This is a sequel to K.G.F: Chapter 1, and it continues the story of Rocky, who rises from poverty to become a feared gangster in Mumbai. The film is known for its intense action sequences and dramatic ...
The Prasanth Varma film about a young man who is imbued with the powers of the deity Hanuman is the surprise hit of the year, collecting close to ₹300 crore. The Mahesh Babu vehicle directed by ...
The film explores how the actions of fathers (a motorcycle stunt rider and a cop) impact their sons' lives, highlighting the transmission of trauma and unresolved issues across generations. This film ...
Anurag Kashyap's "Black Friday," banned for its raw depiction of the 1993 Bombay bombings, can be streamed on Disney+ Hotstar, providing audiences with an intense and gritty portrayal of the events ...
In all honesty, the film unfolds in a very predictable manner. But it is the arc of Keerthy Suresh’s Nandhini — an honest police officer who is suspended on the grounds of custodial violence — that ...