Lähes kaikki Hyytiälän yhdeksän viikon kenttäkurssin käyneet muistavat kurssia lämmöllä. Miksi? Vastausta pohtii metsäylioppilas Albert Laukkanen. Opiskelijatarina Albert Laukkanen, Kuva: Albert ...
The purpose of this page is to gather all the cutting-edge research, development, and education activities in the field of 6G carried out in our University. Our aim is to create a centralized hub that ...
Research subjects in general linguistics include phenomena related to linguistics and languages on a general level. Thus, its topics are not limited to any individual language. The discipline studies, ...
The University of Helsinki attracts top international researchers with its transparent tenure track system. The goal is to increase the predictability, competitiveness and attractiveness of academic ...
Psychedelics produce fast and persistent antidepressant effects and induce neuroplasticity resembling the effects of clinically approved antidepressants. Psychedelics produce fast and persistent ...
Myelin is an insulating structure that wraps around axons, allowing the fast and efficient transmission of electrical impulses and ensuring proper neurological function. In the central nervous system ...
A new research project pursues a comprehensive understanding of the climate impact of food production and agriculture. Led by the University of Helsinki, the project will investigate direct greenhouse ...
What is Power Flow Tracing? Power Flow Tracing (PFT) encompasses a set of methodologies designed to calculate power transfers from individual generation points to specific consumption points or ...
The Web of Science Research Assistant and Scopus AI are generative AI (GenAI) powered add-ons, which are already available in WoS and Scopus databases the library has acquired. These powerful add-ons, ...
Luonnontila.fi-palvelussa voit seurata luonnon monimuotoisuuden tilaa ja luontokadon pysähtymistä. Luonnontila.fi-palvelu on avoin tiedonvälitysjärjestelmä kaikille kansalaisille.
This page explains what is required of applicants to prove their eligibility to apply for international Master's programmes. You are eligible to apply to the international master's programmes at the ...
Suurin osa miehistä kuolee naimisissa, suurin osa naisista leskenä. Erilainen vanheneminen heijastuu myös parisuhdetoiveisiin. Juttu on julkaistu Yliopisto-lehdessä 10/2024. Väestöliiton ...