Jun 1, 2023 · I write about identity, feelings, society, philosophy, and politics. When I’m not writing, I am painting, watching Netflix, or admiring Orwell!
Dear Reader, My name is Adarsh Badri, and I’m an Indian blogger and a PhD student in International Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia.. Earlier, I had completed my PhD coursework requirement at the Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament (CIPOD) at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India.
A weekly newsletter on culture, society, politics, philosophy, and international affairs. Click to read fuzzy notes, by Adarsh Badri, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.
“Quad and the Indo-Pacific: Examining the Balance of Interest Theory in Quad Coalition.” Strategic Analysis. vol. 46. no. 6. pp. 601-613. December 2022.
Nov 7, 2024 · In this newsletter entry, I will list out some of the things I have read, written, and found interesting: 1. Despite much of the academic work and other commitments, I have managed to watch a lot of movies.
WORKSHOPS & CONFERENCES “Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in My PhD Project”, From Dreary to Theory: A Workshop on Creative Theorizing, Centre for Digital Cultures and Societies, University of Queensland, Australia, April 2024. “Feeling for the Anthropocene: Affective Relations and the Making of Ecological Activism in Postcolonial India”, Young
This website and the newsletter (fuzzy notes) have been a labour of love.While they are free to access (and will continue to be free), they are not free to create. I spend significant time researching, writing, and proofing every article I publish here, apart from all the logistical aspects of buying and managing the domain and hosting plans.
Adarsh Badri School of Political Science and International Studies University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia — QLD 4072 https://adarshbadri.me|adarsh.badri@uq.edu.au|ORCID: 0000-0003-1148-5640 EDUCATION